This study examines the developmental processes of self-concept through an arts-based analysis of songs (N=27) written by adult patients (N=9) who are in rehabilitation due to a road traffic injury. Four composite character portraits were revealed from the arts-based analysis, and the results are reconstructed as music compositions, which were created from sampling the original songs. Each character represents various stages of identity development post-accident: non-compliant, accepting help, creative engagement and transfiguration.


Viega, M. and Baker, F.A. (2017). Remixing identity: Creating meaning from songs written by patients recovering from a spinal cord injury. Journal of Applied Arts & Health, 8(1), 57-73. doi: 10.1386/jaah.8.1.57_1

Viega, M. & Baker, F. (2016). What’s in a song? Combining Analytical and Arts-based Analysis for Songs Created by Songwriters with Neurodisabilities. Nordic Journal of Music Therapy. doi: 10.1080/08098131.2016.1205651